This is to inform the Public and our Partners that on 22nd September 2023 inLOBU International Network Ltd Subcontracted Mr. Wingod Eliushu Lema of the address P.O.BOX 11782, Sakina, Arusha and Business TIN No. 106-447-942 who was referred/recommended to inLOBU International by Mr. Emmanuel Eliona to transport our containerized cargo form Dar es Salaam Port to Kolwezi DRC.
The container No. CAIU9461622 was loaded on his Truck with registration No. T290CVE/T658AHT and it was expected that since the container is the Property of S/line (COC) it should therefore, be returned to S/line within 45 free days i.e. on/ Or before 20th December 2023 after the cargo had been unpacked.
However, unexpectedly, the said container was not returned to S/line until 3rd June 2024. Since this container is a property of S/line and that the transporter did not cooperate and had no intention to return the container, and thus causing a huge loss to inLOBU and our Clearing Agent, inLOBU International Network through it’s Legal Department had decided to report and file a Criminal case to a Police station With ref No. KMR/RB/2437/2024 on 10th May 2024 which is on progress and currently proceeding with other necessary legal actions to cover the loss resulted to the transporter’s own negligence.
inLOBU hereby inform/notify/update its partners and Public that we have stopped/ceased the business cooperation with Mr. Wingod Eliushu Lema and Mr. Emmanuel Eliona until all loss are compensated and case closed.